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14 November 2010

Dialog wrapper for exiftool to set the meta tags in a PDF file.

by deaves

## Created by: deaves
# Dialog wrapper for exiftool to set the meta tags in a PDF file.
## Requires: dialog, libimage-exiftool-perl

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
 printf "$0: Please specify a pdf file.\n"
 exit 0;
 opts=( Title Subject Author Creator Producer Keywords ModifyDate CreateDate )

loadTags () {
  exiftool "${FILE}" | sed 's/\ //' | while read TAG X FIELD

     if [ "${X}" == ":" ]; then
       echo "${TAG}=\"${FIELD}\""

  done > "/tmp/${USER}-${PPID}.tmp"

  . "/tmp/${USER}-${PPID}.tmp"
  rm -f "/tmp/${USER}-${PPID}.tmp"

diaString () {
  dialog --stdout --backtitle "${FILE}" --no-shadow --form "Updating Metadata..." 0 0 0 \
        "Title" 1 0 "${Title}" 1 10 49 255 \
        "Subject" 2 0 "${Subject}" 2 10 49 255 \
        "Author" 3 0 "${Author}" 3 10 49 255 \
        "Creator" 4 0 "${Creator}" 4 10 49 255 \
        "Producer" 5 0 "${Producer}" 5 10 49 255 \
        "Keywords" 6 0 "${Keywords}" 6 10 49 255 \
        "Modified" 7 24 "${ModifyDate}" 7 33 26 26 \
        "Created" 8 25 "${CreateDate}" 8 33 26 26

loadTags; let count=0
diaString | while read LINE; do

 ## Flush all existing meta tags...
 if [ "${count}" -eq "0" ]; then
   exiftool -*= "${FILE}" > /dev/null

 exiftool -${opts[${count}]}="${LINE}" "${FILE}" > /dev/null

 let count++

tags: dialog - exiftool - linux - script