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19 January 2015

Cisco autonomous AP associated users script.

by deaves

Apparently there is no SNMP string to query to get the number of users associated to each of your SSIDs. So I created a small script to connect to the AP via its web interface and pull down an associated user count. Eventually I’ll create a cacti template for this script. In the meanwhile its just standalone script.

## Created by: deaves
# Query an autonomous Cisco AP and display a count of all users associated to each SSID.
## Requires: curl

# Required script variables.
APHOST=""            # AP hostname
AUTHUP="joeuser:joepassword"        # USERNAME:PASSWORD

# FUNCTION: End Script if error.
DIE() {
 echo "ERROR: Validate \"$_\" is installed and working on your system."
 exit 0

# Validate script requirements are meet.
type -p curl > /dev/null || DIE

printf "%-8s %-20s %-5s\n" "Radio" "SSID" "Users"
printf "%-8s %-20s %-5s\n" "=======" "===================" "====="

# Main Loop.
curl --user ${AUTHUP} http://${APHOST}/ap_assoc.shtml 2> /dev/null | awk 'sub(/\"htmlClients\"/,""){f=1} /^">/{f=0} f' | awk 'NR > 2' | while read LINE
 do eval ARRAY=( $LINE )

  [ "${ARRAY[0]}" == "802.11" -a "${ARRAY[4]}" == "Dot11Radio0:" ] && { RADIO="2.4GHz" ;}
  [ "${ARRAY[0]}" == "802.11" -a "${ARRAY[4]}" == "Dot11Radio1:" ] && { RADIO="5GHz" ;}
  [ "${ARRAY[0]}" == "SSID" ] && { SSID="${ARRAY[1]}"; echo; unset MAC ;}
  [ "${ARRAY[6]}" == "Assoc" ] && { MAC+=( "${ARRAY[0]}" ) ;}

  [ -n "${SSID}" -a -n "${ARRAY[0]}" ] && { printf "${RADIO} ${SSID} ${#MAC[@]} " ;}

 done | awk '{print $1,$2,$NF}' | sed '1d;s/\[//g;s/\] / /g' | while read RADIO SSID ASSOC

  printf "%-8s %-20s %-5s\n" "${RADIO}" "${SSID}" "${ASSOC}"

tags: cisco - linux - wireless